A divorce without lawyers could be right for you if you want to remain friendly and avoid a long, expensive court battle as create agreements that serve your unique situation and goals.
Articles with the Tag Divorce without lawyers
Resolving to Be Happy Might Require Courage to Divorce
by Jamie C. Williamson, PhD Many people started out the New Year thinking about getting a divorce, even if they didn’t realize it at first. People rarely include “get a divorce” on their list of resolutions. Instead, divorce becomes the unhappy (but necessary) by-product of resolutions like “This is the year I’m going to have
4 Ways to Get Divorced. Is Pre-suit Pro Se Right for You?
by Jamie C. Williamson, PhD If you have decided that getting a divorce is the best (and maybe only) option that will promote your future emotional and psychological well-being, and that of your spouse and children, your next step is to determine which of the four paths to a legal divorce is right for you and